Walid Tawfik
Cairo University
Walid Tawfik, is Egyptian associate Professor, in laser spectroscopy and ultrafast lasers at the National Institute of Laser (NILES), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. In 1994 he joined NILES as staff member and promoted as assistant lecturer, assistant professor and associate Professor in 1996, 2000, and 2008, respectively. He received the B.SC, Master and Ph.D degrees in physics, laser physics, and laser spectroscopy in 1992, 1996, 2000, respectively, from Cairo University, Egypt. His interested in the field of ultrafast lasers and ultrafast phenomenon. He has built Fewcycle ultrafast system of 5-fs pulse duration and 0.6 mJ at 1 kHz and published 46 papers.
Research Interest
My research plans are devoted to optics and photonics: linear and nonlinear interactions of laser light and matter using time-resolved spectroscopy for laser-pulse durations from nanosecond to few-cycle. The studies include the application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) used in the field of analytical spectroscopy and plasma characterization, in addition to ultrafast nonlinear phenomena due to propagation of ultrafast pulses in nonlinear medium and how the interactions can be exploited for improved material characterization. The prospective plans aim to reach attosecond streaking to study transient absorption spectroscopy of ultrafast electron motion.