Next Generation Sequencing(NGS) Technologies
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Technologies empower a wide assortment of strategies, permitting scientists to ask for all intents and purposes any question identified with genome, Transcriptome, or epigenome of any living being. Sequencing techniques vary essentially by how the DNA or RNA tests are acquired and by the information examination utilized. The quantities of techniques are continually developing. The most widely recognized are little RNA-Seq: Whole Transcriptome Shotgun Sequencing, Exome Sequencing, De Novo Full-Length Transcriptome information Analysis and Hybrid Sequencing Approach. Different NGS stages in the market, for example, Illumina, SOLiD, and Roche, offer extraordinary capacity to apply hugely parallel sequencing of transcriptomics (RNA) and genomic (DNA) tests to comprehend infection and wellbeing. The tremendous Differential Splicing and RNA Sequencing and investigation Data represent a central issue of administration and examination. Different information investigation arrangements kill the new generation sequencing information administration. ABRF Next-Generation Sequencing (ABRF-NGS) is the best procedure for exact sequencing information. For Ribonucleic corrosive, Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is completed which analyzes the RNA grouping data from individual cells with streamlined New Generation sequencing (NGS) advancements, giving a higher determination of cell contrasts and a superior comprehension of the capacity of an individual cell with regards to its microenvironment.
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- Epigenetics
- Protein Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biostatistics & Systems biology
- Cancer Transcriptomics: Integrative & Computational Approaches
- Gene Expression Profiling
- Genome Sequencing
- Metabolomics
- Multiplatform Approach
- Next Generation Sequencing(NGS) Technologies
- Single Cell Genomics
- Transcriptional Regulation & Attenuation
- Transcriptome Analysis & Gene Expression
- Transcriptomics
- Transcriptomics & Proteomics in Microorganisms